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ICS/CSE 45C: Assignment 4

Like the last assignment, pay attention to what your files and functions are supposed to be named. More instructions can be found at the end of this document. This assignment is due August 13, 2015 at 11:55pm. Upload your zip/tar file to Canvas. Be sure that your zip/tar contains all of the files you think it does. You will not be able to resubmit your work due to missing files.

Problem 1:

You will be creating a generic list, much like std::list from the STL. This list represents a collection of unordered elements. To practice using exceptions, this list implementation will throw three kinds of exceptions – ElementNotFoundException, EmptyListException, and FullListException.
Implement your list in files named List.h and List.cpp. Your list class implementation should support the following functions:

  • get(int i) – returns the element at the index i. Throws ElementNotFoundException if the index is invalid. Throws EmptyListException if the list is empty.
  • isEmpty() – returns true if the list is empty, false otherwise.
  • first() – returns the element at index 0. Throws EmptyListException if the list is empty.
  • last() – returns the element at index size – 1. Throws EmptyListException if the list is empty.
  • insert(T item) – inserts the item at the end of the list. Throws FullListException if the list is full
  • remove(int i) – removes the element at index i. “Removing” doesn’t mean erasing the contents from memory in this case. You will need to shift all elements inserted after the ith element in order to prevent any “holes” in the list. Throws ElementNotFoundException if the index is invalid.

A few constraints on your implementation:

  • You may not use any STL data structures
  • Implement this class using templates such that this list can store any type (but only one type)
  • All return types will be actual objects and not references to objects (so no pointer return types).
  • You may assume that your list will not exceed 10 elements.
  • You must use an array to represent the actual list. Since we know there will be at most 10 elements, you can statically allocate this array.
  • You will want to keep track of the number of elements in the list using a class variable named size.

You will have to define the exception classes. You may put them in the List.h file, but they should not be nested inside of the List class. In a file named list_tests.cpp, write a main method that tests your list or write a series of Gtest functions. You may define any helper functions you want to help test your list. You should use try-catch blocks to test that exceptions are thrown when they ought to be thrown. Note that this class throws an enormous amount of exceptions. Hopefully, this proves to you that you should use exceptions sparingly


Problem 2:

In an ancient land, the beautiful princess Eve had many suitors. She decided on the following procedure to determine which suitor she would marry. First, all of the suitors would be lined up one after the other and assigned numbers. The first suitor would be number 1, the second number 2, and so on up to the last suitor, number n. Starting at the first suitor she would then count three suitors down the line (because of the three letters in her name) and the third suitor would be eliminated from winning her hand and removed from the line. Eve would then continue, counting three more suitors, and eliminating every third
suitor. When she reached the end of the line she would continue counting from the beginning. For example, if there were six suitors then the elimination process would proceed as follows:

123456 initial list of suitors, start counting from 1 
12456 suitor 3 eliminated, continue counting from 4
1245 suitor 6 eliminated, continue counting from 1
125 suitor 4 eliminated, continue counting from 5
15 suitor 2 eliminated, continue counting from 5
1 suitor 5 eliminated, 1 is the lucky winner

In a file named suitors.cpp

Write a function that uses your list from Problem 1 to determine which position you should stand in to marry the princess if there are n suitors (where n ≤ 10). Your function should take the number of suitors as a parameter and return the position of the list that you should stand in. The function should show each step while computing who will win. You may find it useful to write a helper function that prints out the contents of your list. The function signature should be

int findWinningPosition(int numSuitors)

For example, if you were to call findWinningPosition(6);, then your program should output


Write another function that takes a list of names. You should use your list from Problem 1. The function should return the name of the person who gets to marry the princess. The function signature should be

std::string pickSuitor(List<std::string> suitors)

In a main method or a Gtest file, test your functions with some different inputs. Name this test file suitors_tests.cpp.


Problem 3:

For this problem, you will be handling very simple picture files. The format that we will be using is the Plain PGM format. A PGM file is very simple. A PGM file has the following format:

P2 widthOfPicture heightOfPicture
width x height array of pixel values, where each value is separated with spaces

In this format, P2 designates the file as a plain PGM file. The maximum gray value defines the value that will be used as white. Pixels with the value 0 are black. Pixels with values between 0 and the max value are colored gray. Pixel values are given in ASCII decimal numbers and should be between 0 and 255.

For example, consider this (enlarged) picture :


The PGM file looks like this:

24 7
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 3 3 3 3 0 0 7 7 7 7 0 0 11 11 11 11 0 0 15 15 15 15 0
0 3 0 0 0 0 0 7 0 0 0 0 0 11 0 0 0 0 0 15 0 0 15 0
0 3 3 3 0 0 0 7 7 7 0 0 0 11 11 11 0 0 0 15 15 15 15 0
0 3 0 0 0 0 0 7 0 0 0 0 0 11 0 0 0 0 0 15 0 0 0 0
0 3 0 0 0 0 0 7 7 7 7 0 0 11 11 11 11 0 0 15 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Your assignment is to write an Image class and an ImageScrambler class. The Image class will provide utilities for reading, writing, and getting fourths of the image. The ImageScrambler class will provide functions to move around fourths of the picture. The interface for each of these classes is provided below.

Scrambling an Image

We will divide up the picture into 4 quadrants (or fourths). The top left is the 1st quadrant, the top right is the 2nd quadrant, the bottom left is the 3rd quadrant, and the bottom right is the 4th quadrant. The ImageScrambler class should allow you to move the quadrants clockwise and counter clockwise. For example, suppose you start with the picture below.


The quadrants of this picture are shown here:


Moving the quadrants once clockwise should result in the following picture:



Image Interface

class Image{
    int width;
    int height;
    int maxGrayValue;
    int** picture;
    // Constructors
    // Default Constructor
    // Initialize an image by reading in the picture
    // contained in filename
    Image(std::string filename);
    // initialize an image with dimensions width and height
    Image(int width, int height);
    // copy Constructor
    Image(const Image& other);
    // Destructor
    // Accessors/Mutators
    int getHeight() const {return height;}
    int getWidth() const {return width;}
    int getMaxGrayValue() const {return maxGrayValue;}
    // Other Functions
    // Assignment Operator Overload
    Image& operator=(const Image& other);
    // Reads in the image file contained in filename
    // Sets this picture to the image contained in the file
    // returns true if read successfully, false otherwise
    bool readImage(std::string filename);
    // Writes the current picture to file
    // filename: name of the file to write to
    // returns true if successful
    // returns false if unsuccessful or if this Image doesn't have
    // a picture to write to file
    bool writeImage(std::string filename);
    // returns the specified quadrant (1,2,3 or 4) of the picture as an image
    // whichQuadrant: 1 - top left fourth, 2 - top right fourth,
    // 3 - bottom left fourth, 4 - bottom right fourth
    Image getQuadrant(int whichQuadrant);
    // sets the quadrant to the new values contained in newQuadrant
    void setQuadrant(int whichQuadrant, const Image* newQuadrant);


ImageScrambler Interface

class ImageScrambler{
    Image myImage;
    // Constructor
    // Default Constructor
    // initialize with the given image
    ImageScrambler(Image startingImage);
    // Destructor
    // doesn't need one
    // Accessors/Mutators
    void changeImage(Image newImage);
    // Other Functions
    // move quadrants of the image clockwise
    // will permanently modify myImage
    void moveQuadrantsClockwise();
    // move the quadrants of the image counter clockwise
    // will permanently modify myImage
    void moveQuadrantsCounterClockwise();
    // write the image to file
    void writeImage(std::string outfileName);

Additional Notes

Some notes to keep in mind when implementing your classes:

  • You may define any additional private helper functions or private member variables you need.
  • When reading picture files, you may assume the image file is properly formatted. Keep in mind, however, that the more error checking you do, the easier it will be to hunt down bugs. Hence, it might be a good idea to check for things like out of range numbers and negative numbers, especially in the width, height, and max gray value fields. With these checks in place, you can read in files you’ve written to make sure that you’ve written the files correctly.
  • You can make your life easier by making sure that the width and height are even numbers. You can add a row and/or column of zeros to the picture to make this happen.
  • To see the picture, use the command display filename.pgm in the terminal. This will open ImageMagick and show you the picture, provided it is formatted correctly.
  • You should write tests for your code. You do not need to turn in these tests. Be aware, however, that we will run our own tests against your code.

What to Turn In

Use your classes to read in 3 different pictures and scramble them. Scramble one by rotating once clockwise. Scramble another by rotating once counterclockwise. Scramble the third any way you’d like.
Here is a website where you can find some PGM images.

Submit Image.h, Image.cpp, ImageScrambler.h, ImageScrambler.cpp, the 3 original pictures, and the 3 scrambled pictures. You do not need to turn in the main method you write to scramble your pictures.

File Check list:

The files and folders you should turn in are listed below. Files listed indented under a folder should be contained in that folder.

Folder: Part1
File: List.h
File: List.cpp
File: list_tests.cpp
File: suitors.h
File: suitors.cpp
File: suitors_tests.cpp
File: makefile
Folder: Part2
File: Image.h
File: Image.cpp
File: ImageScrambler.h
File: ImageScrambler.cpp
File: makefile
File: picture1.pgm
File: picture2.pgm
File: picture3.pgm
File: picture1_scrambled.pgm
File: picture2_scrambled.pgm
File: picture3_scrambled.pgm

Zip or tar up these folders. Do not zip/tar up these folders and then zip/tar those files. Just create a compressed file directly from these folders. Be sure to include your UCI NetID in the name of the zip/tar file. Finally, double check your submission. Make sure that the file you finally upload contains all of the files you think it does. There will be no re-grades due to forgotten files or corrupted files.


Folder: Part1



#ifndef _LIST_H
#include <iostream>

// define the exceptions for the list class
class ElementNotFoundException : public std::exception {
    const char *what() const throw() {
      return "element is not found in the list";

class EmptyListException : public std::exception {
    const char *what() const throw() {
      return "the list is empty";

class FullListException : public std::exception {
    const char *what() const throw() {
      return "the list is full";

// the template list class
const int CAPACITY = 10;

template <typename T> class List {
    T elements[CAPACITY]; // assume at most 10 elements
    int count;            // the number of elements in the list

    // constructor and destructor

    T get(int i) const;
    int size() const; // the number of elements in the list

    bool isEmpty() const;
    T first() const;
    T last() const;
    void insert(T item);
    void remove(int i);



#include "List.h"

// implementation of the List class

template <typename T> List<T>::List() : count(0) {

template <typename T> List<T>::~List() {

template <typename T> T List<T>::get(int i) const {
  if (count == 0) {
    throw EmptyListException();
  if (i < 0 || i >= count) {
    throw ElementNotFoundException();
  return elements[i];

template <typename T> int List<T>::size() const {
  return count;

template <typename T> bool List<T>::isEmpty() const {
  return size() == 0;

template <typename T> T List<T>::first() const {
  return get(0);

template <typename T> T List<T>::last() const {
  return get(count - 1);

template <typename T> void List<T>::insert(T item) {
  if (count == CAPACITY) { // already full
    throw FullListException();
  // put in the last position in the list
  elements[count++] = item;

template <typename T> void List<T>::remove(int i) {
  if (i < 0 || i >= count) {
    throw ElementNotFoundException();
  // shift the elements after i-th
  while (i < count - 1) {
    elements[i] = elements[i + 1];
    i ++;



#include "List.cpp" // have to include cpp for template class
#include <string>
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

int main() {
  // test the List class with different types

  // int
  List<int> l1;
  for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
  cout << "isempty ? " << (l1.isEmpty() ? "true" : "false") << endl;
  cout << "first = " << l1.first() << endl;
  cout << "last = " << l1.last() << endl;
  // now display the list elements using get method
  for (int i = 0; i < l1.size(); i++) {
    cout << "index = " << i << " element = " << l1.get(i) << endl;

  // test exceptions
  try {
    l1.get(5); // ok
    l1.get(11); // not okay
  } catch(ElementNotFoundException e) {
    cout << e.what() << endl;

  try {
    l1.insert(4); // not okay, already full
  } catch(FullListException e) {
    cout << e.what() << endl;

  try {
    l1.remove(11); // not okay, no such element in the list
  } catch(ElementNotFoundException e) {
    cout << e.what() << endl;

  // now remove all elements
  while (!l1.isEmpty()) {
  try {
  } catch(EmptyListException e) {
    cout << e.what() << endl;

  // string
  List<string> l2;
  cout << l2.get(0) << " " << l2.get(1) << endl;

  return 0;



#include "List.cpp"

int findWinningPosition(int numSuitors);
std::string pickSuitor(List<std::string> suitors);



#include "suitors.h"
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;

// a helper function to print the elements in the list
template <typename T> void print(List<T> lst) {
  for (int i = 0; i < lst.size(); i++) {
    cout << lst.get(i);
  cout << endl;

int findWinningPosition(int numSuitors) {

  // construct the initialize list
  List<int> lst;
  for (int i = 1; i <= numSuitors; i++) {
  print (lst);

  // now start at index 0, each time count three steps
  int index = 0;
  while (lst.size() > 1) {
    index = (index + 2) % lst.size();
    // eliminate it
    index = index % lst.size(); // adjust the index
    print (lst);

  // the only one left is the winning position
  return lst.get(0);

std::string pickSuitor(List<std::string> suitors) {
  int numSuitors = suitors.size();
  int index = findWinningPosition(numSuitors);
  return suitors.get(index - 1);



#include "suitors.h"
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;

// test the function in suitors
int main() {
  int suitors = 6;
  List<string> names;

  // pick the index
  int position = findWinningPosition(suitors);
  cout << "Winning position is " << position << endl;
  string name = pickSuitor(names);
  cout << "Winner's name is " << name << endl;
  return 0;



all: list_tests suitors

suitors: suitors.cpp List.h List.cpp suitors_tests.cpp
    g++ suitors_tests.cpp suitors.cpp -W -o suitors_tests

list_tests: list_tests.cpp List.h List.cpp
    g++ list_tests.cpp -o list_tests

    rm -f list_tests suitors_tests


Folder: Part2



#ifndef _IMAGE_H
#define _IMAGE_H

#include <string>
#include <iostream>

class Image {
    int width;
    int height;
    int maxGrayValue;
    int** picture;

    void reset(); // a helper function to release memory of the image


    // Constructors
    // Default Constructor
    // Initialize an image by reading in the picture
    // contained in filename
    Image(std::string filename);
    // initialize an image with dimensions width and height
    Image(int width, int height);
    // copy Constructor
    Image(const Image& other);
    // Destructor

    // Accessors/Mutators
    int getHeight() const {return height;}
    int getWidth() const {return width;}
    int getMaxGrayValue() const {return maxGrayValue;}

    // Other Functions
    // Assignment Operator Overload
    Image& operator=(const Image& other);

    // Reads in the image file contained in filename
    // Sets this picture to the image contained in the file
    // returns true if read successfully, false otherwise
    bool readImage(std::string filename);

    // Writes the current picture to file
    // filename: name of the file to write to
    // returns true if successful
    // returns false if unsuccessful or if this Image doesn't have
    // a picture to write to file
    bool writeImage(std::string filename);

    // returns the specified quadrant (1,2,3 or 4) of the picture as an image
    // whichQuadrant: 1 - top left fourth, 2 - top right fourth,
    // 3 - bottom left fourth, 4 - bottom right fourth
    // this assumes the height and width of the image are even numbers.
    Image getQuadrant(int whichQuadrant);

    // sets the quadrant to the new values contained in newQuadrant
    // this assumes that the height and width of the image are double of the given quadrant
    void setQuadrant(int whichQuadrant, const Image* newQuadrant);




#include "Image.h"

#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <fstream>
#include <sstream>
using namespace std;

// Constructors
// Default Constructor
Image::Image() : width(0), height(0), maxGrayValue(0), picture(NULL) {

// Initialize an image by reading in the picture
// contained in filename
Image::Image(std::string filename) : width(0), height(0), maxGrayValue(0), picture(NULL) {

// initialize an image with dimensions width and height
Image::Image(int width, int height) : width(width), height(height), maxGrayValue(0), picture(NULL) {
  // allocate the memory for the width*height matrix
  picture = new int*[height];
  for (int i = 0; i < height; i++) {
    picture[i] = new int[width];

// copy Constructor
Image::Image(const Image& other) : width(0), height(0), maxGrayValue(0), picture(NULL) {
  *this = other;

void Image::reset() {
  // release the memory of picture
  for (int i = 0; i < height; i++) {
    delete[] picture[i];
  delete[] picture;
  // reset the parameter
  width = 0;
  height = 0;
  maxGrayValue = 0;
  picture = NULL;

// Destructor
Image::~Image() {

// Other Functions
// Assignment Operator Overload
Image& Image::operator=(const Image& other) {
  width = other.width;
  height = other.height;
  maxGrayValue = other.maxGrayValue;
  // allocate memory for picture and copy them from the other image
  picture = new int*[height];
  for (int i = 0; i < height; i++) {
    picture[i] = new int[width];
    for (int j = 0; j < width; j++) {
      picture[i][j] = other.picture[i][j];
  return *this;

// Reads in the image file contained in filename
// Sets this picture to the image contained in the file
// returns true if read successfully, false otherwise
bool Image::readImage(std::string filename) {
  string line;
  int width = 0, height = 0, maxGrayValue = 0;
  int **picture = NULL;

  ifstream fin(filename.c_str());

  if (fin.fail()) { // cannot open the file to read
    return false;

  // read the content of this image from the file
  // skip comments
  bool flag = true;
  while ((flag = getline(fin, line))) { // skip P2
    if (line.length() > 0 && line[0] == '#') continue;
    else break;

  // now read the next line as the width and height
  while ((flag = getline(fin, line))) {
    if (line.length() > 0 && line[0] == '#') continue;
    else {
      istringstream iss(line);
      if (!(iss >> width >> height)) {
        // fail to read the width and height
        return false;
  // make sure the width and height are positive
  if (width <= 0 || height <= 0) {
    return false;

  // now read the maxGrayValue
  while ((flag = getline(fin, line))) {
    if (line.length() > 0 && line[0] == '#') continue;
    else {
      istringstream iss(line);
      if (!(iss >> maxGrayValue)) {
        // fail to read the value
        return false;

  if (!flag) return false;

  // now allocate memory for the picture
  picture = new int*[height];
  for (int i = 0; i < height; i++) {
    picture[i] = new int[width];
    // load the line for this row of picture
    for (int j = 0; j < width; j++) { // read the value for (i, j)
      if (!(fin >> picture[i][j])) {
        // cannot read the value for that cell
        // release the memory of the arrays and return false
        for (j = i; j >= 0; j--) {
          delete[] picture[j];
        delete[] picture;
        return false;

  // succeed reading the file, assign to the current image object
  this->width = width;
  this->height = height;
  this->maxGrayValue = maxGrayValue;
  this->picture = picture;
  return true;

// Writes the current picture to file
// filename: name of the file to write to
// returns true if successful
// returns false if unsuccessful or if this Image doesn't have
// a picture to write to file
bool Image::writeImage(std::string filename) {
  // make sure the Image has a picture to write into file
  if (height <= 0 || width <= 0) {
    return false;

  // open the file to write into
  ofstream fout(filename.c_str());
  if (fout.fail()) { // cannot open the file
    return false;

  // write into the file
  fout << "P2" << endl
       << width << " " << height << endl
       << maxGrayValue << endl;
  for (int i = 0; i < height; i++) {
    for (int j = 0; j < width; j++) {
      fout << picture[i][j] << " ";
    fout << endl;

  return true;

// returns the specified quadrant (1,2,3 or 4) of the picture as an image
// whichQuadrant: 1 - top left fourth, 2 - top right fourth,
// 3 - bottom left fourth, 4 - bottom right fourth
Image Image::getQuadrant(int whichQuadrant) {
  // make sure the parameter is valid
  if (whichQuadrant < 1 || whichQuadrant > 4) {
    return Image(); // an empty image
  // make sure the width and height of this image are even numbers
  if (width % 2 != 0 || height % 2 != 0) {
    cerr << "the image does not have a even width or height." << endl;
    return Image();

  int offset_x = 0, offset_y = 0;
  switch (whichQuadrant) {
    case 1: break;
    case 2: offset_x += width / 2; break;
    case 3: offset_y += height / 2; break;
    case 4: offset_x += width / 2; offset_y += height / 2; break;

  // otherwise, copy the quadrant into a new image
  Image r(width / 2, height / 2);
  r.maxGrayValue = maxGrayValue;
  // copy the picture
  for (int i = 0; i < height / 2; i++) {
    for (int j = 0; j < width / 2; j++) {
      r.picture[i][j] = picture[i + offset_y][j + offset_x];

  return r;

// sets the quadrant to the new values contained in newQuadrant
void Image::setQuadrant(int whichQuadrant, const Image* newQuadrant) {
  if (newQuadrant == NULL) return;
  if (whichQuadrant < 1 || whichQuadrant > 4) {
  // make sure the width and height of this image are even numbers
  if (newQuadrant->width * 2 != width || newQuadrant->height * 2 != height) {
    cerr << "the image does not have double width or height of the quadrant." << endl;

  // otherwise, copy the quadrant into the current image
  int offset_x = 0, offset_y = 0;
  switch (whichQuadrant) {
    case 1: break;
    case 2: offset_x += width / 2; break;
    case 3: offset_y += height / 2; break;
    case 4: offset_x += width / 2; offset_y += height / 2; break;
  // copy the picture
  for (int i = 0; i < height / 2; i++) {
    for (int j = 0; j < width / 2; j++) {
      picture[i + offset_y][j + offset_x] = newQuadrant->picture[i][j];




#include "Image.h"

class ImageScrambler {
    Image myImage;

    // Constructor
    // Default Constructor
    // initialize with the given image
    ImageScrambler(Image startingImage);

    // Destructor
    // doesn't need one

    // Accessors/Mutators
    void changeImage(Image newImage);

    // Other Functions
    // move quadrants of the image clockwise
    // will permanently modify myImage
    void moveQuadrantsClockwise();

    // move the quadrants of the image counter clockwise // will permanently modify myImage
    void moveQuadrantsCounterClockwise();

    // write the image to file
    void writeImage(std::string outfileName);




#include "ImageScrambler.h"

// Constructor
// Default Constructor
ImageScrambler::ImageScrambler() {

// initialize with the given image
ImageScrambler::ImageScrambler(Image startingImage) : myImage(startingImage) {

// Destructor
// doesn't need one

// Accessors/Mutators
void ImageScrambler::changeImage(Image newImage) {
  myImage = newImage;

// Other Functions
// move quadrants of the image clockwise
// will permanently modify myImage
void ImageScrambler::moveQuadrantsClockwise() {
  // get the four quadrand
  Image q1 = myImage.getQuadrant(1);
  Image q2 = myImage.getQuadrant(2);
  Image q3 = myImage.getQuadrant(3);
  Image q4 = myImage.getQuadrant(4);
  // update the four quadrand
  //  3 1
  //  4 2
  myImage.setQuadrant(1, &q3);
  myImage.setQuadrant(2, &q1);
  myImage.setQuadrant(3, &q4);
  myImage.setQuadrant(4, &q2);

// move the quadrants of the image counter clockwise // will permanently modify myImage
void ImageScrambler::moveQuadrantsCounterClockwise() {
  // get the four quadrand
  Image q1 = myImage.getQuadrant(1);
  Image q2 = myImage.getQuadrant(2);
  Image q3 = myImage.getQuadrant(3);
  Image q4 = myImage.getQuadrant(4);
  // update the four quadrand
  //  2 4
  //  1 3
  myImage.setQuadrant(1, &q2);
  myImage.setQuadrant(2, &q4);
  myImage.setQuadrant(3, &q1);
  myImage.setQuadrant(4, &q3);

// write the image to file
void ImageScrambler::writeImage(std::string outfileName) {



all: build

    g++ Image.cpp ImageScrambler.cpp scrambler.cpp -Wall -o scrambler

    rm -f scrambler


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